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Кобзона, Моторолу и заместителей министра обороны РФ внесли в черный список ЕС (полный список)

С сегодняшнего дня к санкционному списку Евросоюза добавились 19 граждан Украины и России, а также 8 террористических батальонов и движение "Новороссия"

В соответствии с постановлением Совета ЕС от 9 февраля в понедельник опубликованы и вступили в силу новые индивидуальные санкции Евросоюза в связи с украинской ситуацией, под которые подпадают 19 физических и 9 юридических лиц.

На сайте официального журнала ЕС опубликовано:

"Принимая во внимание Регламент Совета (ЕС) № 269/2014 от 17 марта 2014 об ограничительных мерах в отношении действий, подрывающих или создающих угрозу территориальной целостности, суверенитету и независимости Украины... Принят следующий регламент:

Статья 1.Физические и юридические лица, перечисленные в Приложении к настоящим Правилам должны быть добавлены в список, указанный в Приложении I к Регламенту (ЕС) № 269/2014. Статья 2. Настоящий Регламент вступает в силу 16 февраля 2015".

Среди попавших под санкции:

российские политики — депутаты Госдумы Иосиф Кобзон и Валерий Рашкин, заместитель начальника Генштаба ВС России Андрей Картаполов, первый замминистра обороны РФ Аркадий Бахин, замминистра обороны Анатолий Антонов, а также ряд "министров" ЛНР и ДНР;

террористы — атаман "казаков" Павел Дремов, командир боевиков "Русич" Алексей Мильчаков, командир батальона "Спарта" Арсений Павлов ("Моторола"), командир батальона "Сомали" Михаил Толстых ("Гиви"), заместитель "командующего корпусом Минобороны" "ДНР" Эдуард Басурин, "министр юстиции" "ЛНР" Александр Шубин, заместитель председателя "Совета министров" "ЛНР" Сергей Литвин, "главнокомандующий народной милиции" "ЛНР" Сергей Игнатов, "министр бюджета" "ДНР" Александр Тимофеев, "министр бюджета" "ЛНР" Евгений Мануйлов, "министр коммуникаций" "ДНР" Виктор Яценко, "министр экономического развития и торговли" "ЛНР" Ольга Беседина, генпрокурор так называемой "ЛНР" Заур Исмаилов.



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Date of Listing


Pavel DREMOV aka Batya


Born in 1976, Stakhanov

Commander of the "First Cossack Regiment", an armed separatist group involved in the fighting in eastern Ukraine.

In this capacity, he has actively supported actions and policies which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine and to further destabilise Ukraine.



Alexey MILCHAKOV aka Fritz, Serbian


Born in 1991, St. Petersburg

Commander of the "Rusich" unit, an armed separatist group involved in the fighting in eastern Ukraine.

In this capacity, he has actively supported actions and policies which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine and to further destabilise Ukraine.



Arseny PAVLOV aka Motorola

Арсéний Сергéевич ПÁВЛОВ (aka Моторóла)

Born on 2.2.1983, Ukhta, Komi

Commander of the "Sparta Battalion", an armed separatist group involved in the fighting in eastern Ukraine.

In this capacity, he has actively supported actions and policies which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine and to further destabilise Ukraine.



Mikhail TOLSTYKH aka Givi

Михаил Толстых

Born in 1980, Ilovaisk

Commander of the "Somali" battalion, an armed separatist group involved in the fighting in eastern Ukraine.

In this capacity, he has actively supported actions and policies which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine and to further destabilise Ukraine.




So called "Deputy Commander" of the Ministry of Defense of the so called "Donetsk People's Republic".

In taking on and acting in this capacity, he has therefore actively supported actions and policies which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine and to further destabilise Ukraine.



Alexandr SHUBIN

Александр Васильевич ШУБИН

So called "Minister of Justice", of the illegal so called "Luhansk People's Republic".

In taking on and acting in this capacity, he has therefore actively supported actions and policies which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine and to further destabilise the country.




Сергей Анатольевич ЛИТВИН

So called Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the so called "Luhansk People's Republic".

In taking on and acting in this capacity, he has therefore actively supported actions and policies which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine and to further destabilise Ukraine.




Сергей Юрьевич ИГНАТОВ

So called Commander in Chief of the People's Militia of the so called "Luhansk People's Republic".

In taking on and acting in this capacity, he has therefore actively supported actions and policies which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine and to further destabilise the country.




Екатерина Владимировна ФИЛИППОВА

Born on 20.11.1988 in Krasnoarmëisk

So called "Minister of Justice" of the so called "Donetsk People's Republic".

In taking on and acting in this capacity, she has therefore actively supported actions and policies which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine and to further destabilise Ukraine.



Aleksandr TIMOFEEV

Александр ТИМОФЕЕВ

Born on 27.1.1974

So called "Minister of Budget" of the so called "Donetsk People's Republic".

In taking on and acting in this capacity, he has therefore actively supported actions and policies which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine and to further destabilise the country.




Евгений Владимирович МАНУЙЛОВ

So called "Minister of Budget" of the so called "Luhansk People's Republic".

In taking on and acting in this capacity, he has therefore actively supported actions and policies which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine and to further destabilise Ukraine.





Born on 22.4.1985 in Kherson

So called "Minister of Communications" of the so called "Donetsk People's Republic".

In taking on and acting in this capacity, he has therefore actively supported actions and policies which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine and to further destabilise Ukraine.




Ольга Игорева БЕСЕДИНА

So called "Minister of Economic Development and Trade" of the so called "Luhansk People's Republic".

In taking on and acting in this capacity, she has therefore actively supported actions and policies which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine and to further destabilise Ukraine.




Заур Исмаилов

Born in 1975, Krasny Luch, Voroshilovgrad Luhansk

So called "Acting General Prosecutor" of the so called "Luhansk People's Republic".

In taking on and acting in this capacity, he has therefore actively supported actions and policies which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine and to further destabilise Ukraine.



Anatoly Ivanovich ANTONOV

Анатолий Иванович Антонов

Born on 15.5.1955 in Omsk

Deputy Minister of Defence, and in that capacity, involved in supporting the deployment of Russian troops in Ukraine.

According to the present Russian Ministry of Defence structure, in that capacity, he participates in shaping and implementing the policy of the Russian Government. These policies threaten the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine.



Arkady Viktorovich BAKHIN

Аркадий Викторович Бахин

Born on 8.5.1956 in Kaunas, Lithuania

First Deputy Minister of Defence, and in that capacity, involved in supporting the deployment of Russian troops in Ukraine.

According to the present Russian Ministry of Defence structure, in that capacity, he participates in shaping and implementing the policy of the Russian Government. These policies threaten the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine.



Andrei Valeryevich KARTAPOLOV

Андрей Валерьевич Картaполов

Born on 9.11.1963 in DDR

Director of the Main Operations Department and deputy chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. In both capacities he is actively involved in shaping and implementing the military campaign of the Russian forces in Ukraine.

According to the stated activities of the general staff, by exercising operational control over the armed forces, he is actively involved in shaping and implementing the Russian government policy threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine.



Iosif (Joseph) Davydovich KOBZON

Иосиф Дaвыдович Кобзон

Born on 11.9.1937 in Tchassov Yar, Ukraine

Member of the State Duma.

He visited the so-called Donetsk People's Republic and during his visit made statements supporting separatists. He was also appointed Honorary Consul of the so-called "Donetsk People's Republic" in the Russian Federation.

On 20 March 2014 he voted in favour of the draft Federal Constitutional Law "on the acceptance into the Russian Federation of the Republic of Crimea and the formation within the Russian Federation of new federal subjects- the republic of Crimea and the City of Federal Status Sevastopol".



Valery Fedorovich RASHKIN

Валерий Федорович Рашкин

Born on 14.3.1955 in the Kaliningrad Oblast, USSR.

First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Ethnicity issues.

He is the founder of the civil movement "Krassnaya Moskva- Red Moscow -Patriotic Front Aid" which organised public demonstrations supporting separatists, thereby supporting policies which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine.

On 20 March 2014 he voted in favour of the draft Federal Constitutional Law "on the acceptance into the Russian Federation of the Republic of Crimea and the formation within the Russian Federation of new federal subjects- the republic of Crimea and the City of Federal Status Sevastopol".




Identifying information

Statement of reasons

Date of Listing


Cossack National Guard

Казачья Национальная Гвардия

Armed separatist group which has actively supported actions which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine and to further destabilise Ukraine.

Commanded by and therefore associated with a listed person Nikolay KOZITSYN.



Sparta battalion

Батальон "Спарта"

Armed separatist group which has actively supported actions which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine and to further destabilise Ukraine.

Commanded by and therefore associated with a listed person Arseny PAVLOV.



Somali battalion

Батальон "Сомали"

Armed separatist group which has actively supported actions which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine and to further destabilise Ukraine.

Commanded by and therefore associated with a listed person Mikhail TOLSTYKH aka Givi.



Zarya battalion

Батальон "Заря"

Armed separatist group which has actively supported actions which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine and to further destabilise Ukraine.



Prizrak brigade

Бригада "Призрак"

Armed separatist which has actively supported actions which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine and to further destabilise Ukraine.

Commanded by and therefore associated with a listed person Oleksiy MOZGOVY.



Oplot battalion

Батальон "Оплот"

Social media:


Armed separatist group which has actively supported actions which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine and to further destabilise Ukraine.



Kalmius battalion

Батальон "Кальмиус"

Armed separatist group which has actively supported actions which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine and to further destabilise Ukraine.



Death battalion

Батальон "Смерть"

Armed separatist group which has actively supported actions which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine and to further destabilise Ukraine.



Public Movement "NOVOROSSIYA"

Движение Новороссия

The Public Movement "Novorossiya"/"New Russia" was established in November 2014 in Russia and is headed by Russian officer Igor Strelkov (identified as a staff member of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (GRU)).

According to its stated objectives, it aims at providing all-round, effective assistance to "Novorossiya", including by helping militia fighting in Eastern Ukraine, thereby supporting policies undermining the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine.

Associated with a person listed for undermining the territorial integrity of Ukraine.


Напомним, реализацию этого решения именно 16 февраля подтвердил на пресс-конференции по итогам неформального саммита ЕС 12 февраля председатель Европейского Совета Дональд Туск.

Решение об очередном расширении "черного списка" лиц и организаций принято Советом ЕС 9 февраля в связи с обстрелом украинского города Мариуполь, вступление в силу этих ограничительных мер было назначено на 16 февраля, как объясняли в Брюсселе, чтобы не мешать дипломатическому процессу в связи с готовившейся минской встречей в "нормандском формате".

По прибытии на заседание неформального Европейского Совета 12 февраля многие европейские лидеры, подтверждая, что деэскалация на востоке Украины будет основанием для смягчения санкций ЕС в отношении России, делали оговорку, что одного только факта подписания соглашения недостаточно для решения облегчить или отменить ограничительные меры, а нужны гарантии его полного выполнения.

На протяжении минувшей недели европейские СМИ со ссылкой на свои дипломатические источники сообщали, что в число 19 санкционированных персон вошли 5 россиян.

"По отрывочным данным, которые до нас доходят, большая часть этого списка — это украинские граждане, но не те, кто живет в Киеве и работает над мобилизацией и военной кампанией, а те, которые отстаивают свои права на востоке Украины в Донбассе", — отреагировал Чижов на эти публикации.

Как сообщило 5 февраля европейское интернет-издание EUObserver после согласования комитетом постпредов стран ЕС новых дополнений к "черному списку", в него вошли один из заместителей министра обороны РФ и два старших должностных лица ведомства. Кроме того, по данным этого СМИ, список должны пополнить два депутата Государственной Думы, одного из которых в публикации назвали "высокопоставленным", принадлежащим к политической элите.

В дальнейшем ряд европейских СМИ довольно уверенно писали, что неназванным заместителем российского министра обороны является Анатолий Антонов, награжденный медалью "За возвращение Крыма".

Что касается юридических лиц, одна из организаций, согласно сведениям EUObserver, базируется в России, остальные расположены на украинской территории. Это, по данным источников издания, не бизнес-структуры, а военные, административные и общественные образования самопровозглашенных республик на востоке Украины.