English on-line: топ-10 ошибок при составлении резюме на английском языке

Джулиан Джонс, преподаватель British Council рассказал о самых распространенных ошибках при составлении резюме на английском языке

Деловой портал delo.ua совместно с British Council завершает проект "Английский язык on-line". В рамках проекта на портале появляются видеоинтервью с преподавателями British Council.

Тематика видеоинтервью — новые методики и подходы в изучении английского языка, интересные факты и практические советы по улучшению произношения и увеличения словарного запаса.

Тема сегодняшнего интервью — топ-10 ошибок при составлении резюме на английском языке. Интервью дает Джулиан Джонс(Julyan Johns), преподаватель British Council .

10. Не отправляйте резюме с личной почты с необычным либо смешным названием.

9. Не пишите в резюме о низких оценках либо плохих результата, полученных во время учебы либо работы.

8. Не пишите лишнюю и неосновную информацию.

7. Не отсылайте резюме прикрепленным файлом.

6. Не просите друзей написать вам рекомендации.

5. Не пишите почему вы ушли с предыдущей компании.

4. Не используйте непонятные символы либо необычные шрифты.

3. Не используйте профессиональную лексику.

2. Не указывайте стать, возраст, семейное состояние. В некоторых странах это незаконно.

1. Не пишите неправдивую информацию.

Текст интервью

Hello. Today I want to look at the top 10 mistakes in writing a CV.

And at number ten — including ridiculous e-mail address. Many people use their personal e-mail on a CV sending it from [email protected]. This is wrong for two reasons. Firstly, you can't be taken seriously with an e-mail address such as [email protected]. You want people to understand that you're a serious person who wants the job. Secondly, it's going to go straight to the spam filter. They won't see your application for this job. Stick to your real name and make it proper and serious.

At number nine — including low grades. When you put in your qualifications and educational history don't include marks that failed or where you didn't really do your best. It's irrelevant, it will make you look bad and it's pointless to the job. Miss it out.

And at number eight — irrelevant information. When you're including information on your CV you need to keep it concise and accurate. Maybe before you were a deep sea diver but now you're going for the job as an accountant. Is this really necessary to talk about? Probably not. If you can use transferable skills then fine, include it in your CV. If not — leave it out.

And at number seven — putting your CV as an attachment on your e-mail. Again this is going to get sent to the spam, it won't get seen. Make your CV the e-mail itself and in this way it will get noticed straight away.

And at number six — using friends for your references. Yes, they may work for the company where you want to work, but they will be found out. If you want to include references make them from qualified professionals. Keep your friends separate from your job application.

And at number five — saying why you left your last job. This is not relevant. Your employer of the future doesn't want to know why you have left your last job. It will make you look a bit vindictive and possibly give him reasons to doubt your sincerity. Just leave it out. You worked at one place and then you finished.

At number four — using strange fonts or typeface and symbols in your CV. Maybe your future employer doesn't have this font installed on their computer. Your CV will look strange or maybe garbled, it'll come out indecipherable. Stick to regular fonts: Arial, Verdana. Something that an employer will definitely use.

And at number three — using expressions in language from your previous job. Every company and profession has it's own phraseology and different expressions and vocabulary that it uses for it's particular tasks. These probably will not be used in the future job. Remember which vocabulary is relevant to you and try to keep it simple.

And at number two — breaking the law. You do not need to mention this. For example in Canada it is illegal for a future employer to ask their future employee about their race, their age, their marital status or the sexual orientation. Keep it to yourself.

And finally in first place the biggest no-no in writing a CV — including false information or as we call it — lying. Never never ever do this in your CV. You will be found out. Admittedly few companies actually do their homework and will phone or make enquiries about information you put. But it only takes one phone call which will be made if you get that job for everything to be found out. So always tell the truth.

I hope this has helped. And good luck with finding that job